about me…
I was born & raised along the coast in Southern California ~ the land of sunshine & sandals.
I grew up connecting easily with nature, spending most days outside, at the beach, and “playing” with plants. I had an affinity for astrology early on as my maternal Grandmother was a gifted astrologer and intuitive. I found solace in the stars and have been curious about spiritual healing arts for as long as I can remember.
Inspired by beauty and wellness I carved out a career as a natural nail stylist in Los Angeles, preferring to blend my own plant-based body care, making sugar scrubs, salt soaks, and body oil blends. In 2008 I launched Sheswai Lacquer, an eco-chic line of nail polish. While building my career & business my quest for spiritual self-study continued to blossom. I followed the Moon’s phases creating altars with intention, crafting herbal potions, and attended various workshops and retreats that allowed me to delve deeper into my own practice. Although I had a sisterhood of friends that I could gather with, I had a mostly solitary practice and began to yearn for something deeper.
After building Sheswai Lacquer with steady success I felt a calling to shift my focus and chose to close production in 2015 to focus on my other passion...plant-based beauty & sacred self-care.
I began an herbal apprenticeship with the Gaia School of Healing CA studying with Marysia Meirnowska, and that deeper dive I craved was truly life-changing. My practice became deeper, richer, and more inspired in ways I had only dreamed of. My passion for plants and people has evolved from working as a nail stylist, to honing my skills as an herbal alchemist. It is a privilege to now offer 1:1 personal sessions, as well as group gatherings in my healing arts studio located in Marin CA.
Sheswai Beauty ~ Sacred SelfCare for the Modern Human.
All offered with intention, in tune with the Moon.